We don't provide any packaging, so you must bring your own container. If you know the exact weight you need, please select "by weight (g)" and enter the number of grams. Alternatively, you can choose to bring your container and simply "fill it up" or fill it "half full" etc. Since all containers vary in size, if you choose one of these options we'll weigh and price your order when you collect it. Your selection helps us estimate how much to bring with us.
product origin
China & Brazil
Infinity Foods Wholesale
product information
product information
Candied fruits are a centuries-old delicacy in most of Asia, but the sweet blend of sugar and fruit is also loved throughout the world. Crystallized ginger starts with fresh ginger root which has been peeled, cut up, boiled, cooked in a thick simple syrup and then allowed to dry. The result is a crackly glaze with a soft and chewy center. A sprinkle of coarse sugar gives the ginger its crystalline finish for a sweet and tangy treat.
91% Organic Crystallised Ginger
9% Organic Sugar from Brazil
5kg food grade cartons with food grade blotter board on top
Allergen handling policies and procedures are in place through the supply chain to reduce the likelihood of cross contamination from allergens, however this cannot be guaranteed.
health benefits
For over 5,000 years, ginger has been prized and used for its “warming” properties. In Asian medical practice, historically and in the current-day, ginger is used to treat a number of conditions, from arthritis and migraines, to sore throats. It is also used as a general health tonic, thought to help reduce overall body fat and improve circulation. In Ayurvedic medicine, the traditional medical practice of India, ginger has been used in the treatment of anorexia and cholera.
about the brand
At Infinity, providing an extensive range of high quality vegetarian foods is what they do and this has been their commitment from the outset.
As a worker’s co-operative, they are a business run by, and for, their workers. They practice an equitable form of business that is not solely driven by profit margins.
They believe that it is their responsibility to provide food that is as far as possible, natural and unadulterated, free from GM and hydrogenated fat, organic accredited and sourced from companies with high ethical standards.
As well as trading and building relations with producers and suppliers in developing countries, they are equally as committed to sourcing as much as possible locally. They aim for a fair and just business practice with all of their trading partners, suppliers and producers and in turn, their customers.
They also recycle our own-generated glass, cans, plastic, ‘Tetra-pak and cardboard waste. The boxes used to pack Infinity Foods own brand products are, wherever possible, collected from their customers and used time and time again.
Their beliefs do not sit at the peripheries of our business; they are and have been pivotal to their ethos for over 35 years. This is their bottom line and what motivates them both in the here and now and in the long-term.