We don't provide any packaging, so you must bring your own container. If you know the exact weight you need, please select "by weight (g)" and enter the number of grams. Alternatively, you can choose to bring your container and simply "fill it up" or fill it "half full" etc. Since all containers vary in size, if you choose one of these options we'll weigh and price your order when you collect it. Your selection helps us estimate how much to bring with us.
product origin
Equal Exchange
product information
product information
100% Arabica Coffee
Water temperature and time is all it took to decaffeinate this Peruvian coffee from the SOLYCAFE and CENFROCAFE co-operatives. No chemicals, no solvents, just the Swiss Water process which helps preserve the flavour and the aroma. So, you can still enjoy wonderful, organic, high-quality arabica coffee without the caffeine.
100% Arabica Coffee Organic
The 3 Basic Elements
Coffee is 99% water! Use only the cleanest, freshest water available.
Water Temperature
The perfect temperature to brew coffee is between 90°C and 96°C. When brewing manually with a cafetière or filter cone, remove your kettle of boiling water from it’s heat source and let it sit for 2 minutes before pouring over your ground coffee.
When you purchase whole bean coffee, it’s best to grind it right before brewing, although it’s perfectly fine to grind your coffee when you buy it. Your goal is to achieve the right grind for the right brewing method:
Coarse grind for cafetière brewing
Medium-coarse grind for automatic filter machines
Medium-fine grind for filter cone method
Fine grind when making espresso
If you purchase Equal Exchange ready ground coffee this is a medium – coarse grind.
Storing your coffee
Storing your coffee in an airtight container is optimal. Properly stored coffee can stay fresh for up to two weeks and should not be refrigerated, nor is it necessary to keep it in the freezer.
There are multiple ways to brew coffee in your own home these days. Below we’ve offered a selection but there are many more. For espresso machines and electric drip through machines, follow the instructions on the equipment and play around with the coffee to suit your own tastes.
Coffee to water ratio
Whatever method of brewing you use, the general standard is 15g of ground coffee (or one heaped tablespoon) per 250ml freshly boiled water.
about the brand
Equal Exchange cooperative now work with a wide range of farming communities to make the world a fairer and more transparent place.
Together with their producer partners, they share a passion for producing the best quality organic coffees that are worth every penny and their products are all fully traceable.
As a Fair Trade pioneer they believe that Fair Trade can and should do more, which is why they are always searching for new ways of connecting with their producers, such as our Grown By Women project, and their values influence every bit of their business. This means that you know, and we know, that Equal Exchange products are always fair, sustainable, and delicious.